Kegworth Village

Sunday 30th of March 2025

Street Names

Ashby Road

Originally known as Diseworth Road, it was just a rutted track and can be remembered as this by people still living to-day.

Bedford Close

Named after the late Dr D.R. Bedford a General Practitioner in the early part of this century, and who lived at the Hermitage, London Road. This was run by the Bedford family as a home for wealthy eccentrics around the turn of the century. The Great House bears the date 1698, and was used by the Bedford family as a surgery until Dr Bedford retired. He died, aged 99 in March 1968.

Borough Street

Referred to as Burrow street in early census returns, locally known as 'the Narrow' and 'the Lane' in the later years. The Cap and Stocking public house, at the bottom of the hill, is one of the oldest public houses in Kegworth. Number 27 Borough Street was said to be the original Kegworth Manor House and Oliver Cromwell whose army was stationed at Melbourne is said to have slept in the house when passing through Kegworth.


Previously known as Workhouse Lane, it is presumed that the large block of buildings which stood on the bottom corner was used as a workhouse at some time. The factory on the top end was built as a lace factory for A. Leatherland by George Bramley, Builder, of Station Road.

Brickyard Lane

The Old Brickyard lay to the south of Slade Drive [ Slade farm], and signs of the workings still remain. There were six cottages on the old Brickyard site in the 1850's. The New Brickyard is the lane running off the bend on the hill on the right going south out of Kegworth on the A6 [London Road]. There were fourteen cottages along the New Brickyard Lane in the 1850's. The kilns were situated in the fields above Burley Rise.


Formerly known as Bridge Close, it runs between the Kegworth Bridge and Mill Lane. It was regularly used as a quick route to Kegworth Railway station before the Station was closed in 1968. It is a footpath only, and is still a very pleasant walkway from the village to the riverside.

Broadhill Road

Formerly known as Clay Pit Lane. The clay pit was situated at the east end of Oldershaw Avenue. It was re-named to Broadhill Road in the 1950's.

Bulstrode Place

Named after the village benefactor who left a trust fund for the parishioners of Kegworth. The fund is now amalgamated with various other charities and is distributed in the village at Christmas time.

Burley Rise

Mr Burley was Headmaster at Kegworth School in The Dragwell from 1919 to 1932. He was nick-named 'Dinger' Burley because of the punishment he regularly administered with a the ruler and cane aimed rather strategically for the most vulnerable parts of the anatomy! He lived at 102 Station Road.


Sir John Kirk of Ragged School fame, was born in Kirk Yard, now part of The Flying Horse Public house premises. His parents were tinsmiths and braziers there.

The Croft

Formally a paddock attached to Wells Brewery which stood facing onto the Market Place. The first two bungalows in The Croft were originally stables to the original building. The Croft was developed in the 1930's by the late Robert Hopewell who converted the Brewery premises for the use as a hosiery factory.

Derby Road

Was originally known as The New Road, hence 'The New Inn' public house now The Diamond City Chinese Take-away. The old cinema [ situated halfway between The New Inn and Borough Street] was originally built as a Temperance Hall in 1883/4. It was demolished in 1984. At the rear of Leicester House [number 67], stood The Springwell Brewery and Mineral Water Works, owned by the Sullens Family and later became Hopewell's original hosiery factory. The building was burned down in 1926, and Mr Hopewell opened his factory on the Market Place.


So named because it was a long drag to fetch water up from the well which was situated in the archway in the stone wall of what is now St. Andrews Church rooms [formerly the Kegworth school]. The first Long Eaton Co-operative Society shop was founded in the cottage [number 9] before 1889. The Co-op was later housed in the premises which is now the Community Centre. The village forge was situated in a Tudor building which was demolished in the 1960's and number 7 now occupies the site. Mr and Mrs Badger owned and worked the forge and were well known characters in the village. Mrs Badger was a familiar site in the forge yard ' splitting sticks' which could be brought for a few pence for kindling the fire. The house was a Tudor building of considerable charm - there was always the smell of freshly baked bread and a welcoming atmosphere. Shoeing of horses was an exciting activity to watch. The village had three forges in the early part of the century.


The name derives from the fact that there were many 'fox earths' in the area when it was the vegetable garden and orchard to 'West Bank' on Ashby Rd.

Frederick Avenue

Named after Frederick W Sellers, the owner of the hosiery factory on Borrowell, who gave the land next to the Borough Street - Borrowell footpath to the Parish.

Garden Row

Known as Cabbage Nook, it was the area used as village allotments.

Gerrard Crescent

Named after Dr. Gerrard, a well respected surgeon and G.P. in Kegworth 1939 - 1963. He lived in Kegworth House on High St. and left a sum of money for the benefit of the senior citizens of the village

Hallstone Meadow

This is a distortion of the name 'Austin'. The land was owned by the Augustinian monks [hence Austin].

Heafield Drive

Named after George Heafield who was a general carter etc. [refuse collection was carried out by him]. His horses were stabled on land that is now Heafield Drive. He had six sons who were all deaf and dumb [or partially so] - they cleaned windows in the village. He also had six daughters, all with normal speech and hearing.

High Street

As its name implies this was the main thoroughfare through the village being part of the coaching route until Derby Rd. was built. It was also the main shopping and business area for many years.


So named because of its position on a sloping site on the southern side of the village.

Hollands Way

Named after the "Fair People" that used to own the field.

Jeffares Close

Another road named after a village G.P. Dr. Jeffares was well known for his forthright speech and actions. He lived in Kegworth House 1921 - 1939.

Kirby Drive

Named after Arthur Church Kirby and his wife Elizabeth Helen who first came to live in Kegworth in a houseboat on the River Soar in the early 1900's. they were associated with the Scout movement for many years and also managed the cinema on Derby Rd.

Kirk Avenue

Named after Sir John Kirk 1847 - 1921, who was knighted in 1907 by King Edward V11 for his work in connection with the Ragged Schools which provided free schools for poor children in London.

Langley Drive

Named after Langley Stocks who built and lived in 'West Bank' on Ashby Rd. and owned much of the land around including the field on which Langley Drive was built. He also gave to the village the land which forms Sideley Recreation Ground.

London Road

Formed part of the original coach route through the village. There are a number of houses of note situated there. The Cedars was the home of Sir Thomas Moore, the Irish poet who lived there 1812 - 1814. He is reported to have written the poem 'Evening Bells' under the pine tree on the brow of Broadhill while listening to the bells of Sutton Bonington Church. At the rear of the Britannia Inn there is a fine example of a stockingers shop owned by the Branson family for many years. The rear of numbers 37 and 40, 'Friends Cottage' was known as 'The Meeting Yard' where Quakers had their religious meetings. There was a small Quaker burial ground and gravestones have been found there. Number 30 was a public house known as 'The Three Tuns' and 'The Dog and Gun' public house and coaching inn stood nearby . Number 10 was a Wheelwright premises. The large house known as 'The Hermitage' was the house of Dr. Bedford who also owned 'The Great House' built in 1698.

Long Lane

This is probably the route of a Roman road and a Roman site has been found off Ratcliffe Lane which runs off Long Lane. The allotments half way down the lane were given by the church to 'the working men of the village' for cultivation in the mid 1800's.

Market Place

Originally the south side was known as 'The Cross' [the stone cross sited in this area is built into the wall of the Whatton Brook bridge] 'The Horse and Groom', now closed as a pub was previously called 'The King William 1'. It is reputed that there is a document in existence by which Lord Hastings let Kegworth Market rights to a number of traders.

Mill Lane

A watermill was situated on 'The Flash'[the word meaning an overspill of water] which was fed by a mill steam which ran from the river along the side of the Flash, through the mill and back into the river just inside the Hallstone Meadow [the site of the Kegworth Carnival for many years]. The Flash is the open piece of land on the bend of Mill Lane registered as common land. There was a corn mill here for many centuries apart from approximately 20 years from 1790, when it was developed as an iron forge. It reverted to a corn mill until 1870, when it became a plaster mill owned by the Winser family. Later it became a willow cane premises where the rods were dressed and made into basket ware by the late P. and B. mills who lived on Station Rd. It was possible for children in the 1930/1940's to earn a few pence for themselves 'rod pilling' at the mill) The willow canes had to be stripped of their fleshy covering by being pulled through a v-shaped metal holder - this revealed the white inner cane which, after being softened by boiling in large vats of water, were then woven into baskets. The basket work shop closed in the early 1950's.

Moore Avenue

Named after Sir Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, who lived at the Cedars, London Road - 1812 - 1814.

Munnmoore Close

Named after both Bryan Moore & Andrew Munn who policed this village at the time of their death. Although they were not the local 'bobbies on the beat', they were far more than that, they were two of the type of officers that it has been become almost trendy to 'loath'. They wore white caps & drove around in a patrol car, not a lot of close contact with the public. Perhaps, just perhaps the general public will now realise the terrible danger that this type of police officer faces every single day of their working life.

New Street

Originally named 'The Square'. Salkelds Plaster Mill [ which closed just prior to the First world War] was situated at the western Junction with Station Road, a site now occupied by the cottages fronting Station Road. The square was rather inappropriately re-named 'New Street'.


The site was originally a field of that name, which curiously enough was shown on the ordnance survey map as being 11.2 acres. Prior to being developed it was recognised as a sledge run in hard winters.

Nottingham Road

Leading to the nearest way through to Nottingham via Kingston and Gotham. Harrison House [ number 15], was originally a Grammar School. [See Picture on page 6 ] John Heathcote the inventor 1783 -1861 went to school there. Number 22 was originally The Rectory. In the 1851 census returns, Nottingham Road is referred to as 'The Green'. From Harrison House to the junction of Dragwell with Nottingham Road was known as 'the Doctors' which used to be situated there but now is on The Dragwell.

Oldershaw Avenue

In April 1670 James Oldershaw conveyed a close with the appurtenances in Kingston on Soar, Nottinghamshire, called 'The Little Holme' containing five acres to 'certain persons upon trust, to employ two parts of the rents and profits thereof to benefit the poor people of Kegworth forever'. The third part of the profit and rent was specified to be for the 'Schoolmaster of Kegworth and his successors forever'.

The Osiers

A new [1996] small estate off 'The Flash' Mill Lane. It takes its name from the osier beds which previously grew on this piece of land by the River Soar. A thriving basket - making business was ran on the site up to the 1950's - Willow baskets were woven from the osiers [ i.e. willows] grown on the land.

Packington Hill

This was part of the main coach road prior to the development of Derby Road in 1830's. No definite reason for the name is know, but it has been suggested it could be that it indicated the direction to 'Packington' a village near Ashby. Packington Hill used to be closed on the annual fair day. Members of the Wooton family would place a chain across the road to restrain cattle entering the village before payment of certain dues had been made.

Pepper Drive

Named after Helen Pepper who was a teacher at Kegworth School and died in 1980 at the age of 94. She taught children in their first year at school and also gave private piano tuition. Her influence on several generations of children was considerable. She was a familiar figure travelling around the village on a 'sit up and beg' bicycle. She collected 'National Savings' around the village for many years during and after the Second World War.

Pleasant Place

No known reason for it to be so called other than this name is very aptly descriptive. It is a private road, owned by the houses fronting onto the road. Winser and Toms Courts - two blocks of flats named after the late Eric F. Winser and Leonard G. Toms both notable public figures in recent years.

Plummer Lane

The origin of the name is not clear but could be because of the numerous plum trees in the orchards which used to be on either side of the lane. The cottages were built by a member of the well known Crane family around 1830. A wooden building - The Wendy House - now a bungalow - was built by Mr S. Wells for the Women's Institute's use in the 1930's.

Queens Road

Named in honour of the accession to the throne of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Prior to its development some 20 houses, fronting onto Borough Street, Cabbage Nook and Doves Row were demolished.

Roberts Close

Named after Francis Roberts, Headmaster, Kegworth School 1932 -1958. He also served as a teacher for a period prior to going to Breedon - on - the - Hill, then returning to Kegworth. 'Gaffer' Roberts was largely responsible for developing the excellence of the sporting tradition at Kegworth School. He was a man who commanded respect.

The Ropewalk

There used to be six cottages on what is now the Oddfellows car park. Between them in the bottom left-hand corner there was an access onto a narrow strip of land which ran behind the properties of Packington Hill from High street. This was the Ropewalk owned and operated by John Hall, Mater Ropemaker in 1851. The cottages were known as 'Hall's Yard' and John Hall lived in one of them.

Shepherd Walk

This was formerly part of the land belonging to Shepherd, Butchers and Farmers, High Street, Kegworth, now the 'Cottage Restaurant'. The particular area was enclosed by trees and was a favourite picnic spot known as Shepherds Parlour. The slope below was the favourite sledge run in winter.

Sibson Close

Named after Richard (Dick) Sibson, well known village resident who died in 1983. He belonged to many organisations in the village and was Chairman of the Parish Council for many years and a founder member and later Chairman of the Kegworth Village Association. His warm personality and genuine interest in life, coupled with his ability to get along with people at all levels and of differing opinions, made him a popular figure. He was affectionately known as 'The Mayor of Kegworth'.


Refers to an area on that side of the village which was originally cultivated for pasture land. 'The Cross Keys' public house was the first property on the right- hand side from Long Lane, demolished in the mid 1980'. John Tebbutt Smith, Landlord for 50 years and would only serve one pint to any customer he knew on Friday nights, until he had taken his wages home.


This was originally intended to be called 'Springhill' as it overlooked that area, but owing to a mistake made when the official road sign was made, it became 'Springfield'. Springfield is built on land which had been previously been owned by the late G H Neal who also donated land which is now the Bowling Green.

Stafford Acre

Named after Mr G Stafford [known as Daddy Stafford] - who lived at Kingston House, number 55 High Street. Stafford Acre comprises land originally belonging to 55 High Street, an area at the back of what was Barker's Greengrocers Shop [57 High Street]. 'Daddy' was an internationally known expert on cheeses and worked at the Sutton Bonington Agricultural College [now The School Of Agriculture, The University of Nottingham]. Around the 1850's 55 High Street house and paddock housed a complete hunting pack, kennels etc., complete with Master Of Hounds, huntsmen, whippers-in and kennel men - all who lived in adjacent premises.

St. Andrews Rise

Named after the patron saint of Kegworth Parish Church.


Named after the quarry which was situated on the hillside on the top of the National Westminster Bank computer centre site. The stone used to build the Church was quarried from their and the quarry was then filled in when the site was developed .

Suthers Road

Named after George Suthers, Rector of Kegworth Parish Church from 1957 to 1962. He was the first occupant of the present day Rectory and left to become canon of Newcastle Cathedral.

Thomas Road

Named after George Thomas [known to everyone as ' Gaffer Thomas'] headmaster of Kegworth school from 1876 to 1919. He was a strict disciplinarian and was highly respected not only by his pupils, but by most people who had the privilege of knowing him. He made a great contribution to the improvement of village life and his interest in the welfare of the village and children continued during the years of his retirement. He lived at 45 Derby Road for many years.

West Bank Mews

Situated off Ashby Road. The Mews occupies the site of a large house and gardens known as 'West Bank'. Built and lived in by Langley Stocks in 1928. The house was an impressive stone - built gentleman's residence sadly demolished in 1984.

Whatton Road

The area from its junction with the A6 to Broadhill Road was known as 'The Dumps'. Beyond that point was simply known as 'Broadhill' - renamed Whatton Road in 1960. There used to be a deep dyke running on the north side below Broadhill. This was piped and filled in during the hard winter of 1963, when excavators had to be used to dig out graves in the cemetery, the frost having penetrated the ground to a depth of nearly four feet.

Windmill Way

Situated on land adjacent to the Ashby Road. Number 80 Ashby road is known as 'Windmill House' - the windows contain stained glass leading lights depicting windmills.

Wyvelle Crescent

It was discovered that the area of land used for Wyvelle Crescent was known as 'Wyvelle' over 200 years age and hence it was thought to be appropriate for the new development to be called ' Wyvelle Crescent'

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