Kegworth Village

Sunday 30th of March 2025

Village Hall

Contact: Hall Manager
Phone: (01509) 673626
Web Site:

Kegworth Village Hall is a large community building situated near the Tennis Courts and King George V playing fields off Nottingham Road with its own car parking area. The Hall is managed by a committee of volunteers who take responsibility for the day to day running, maintenance and repair of the Hall.

The building itself is expensive to run and maintain and relies on three main sources of income to survive - grants are received from various sources including the ever-generous Kegworth parish Council, income is generated from the letting of the building and the committee also holds fund-raising events.

The Hall is a valuable and well used village amenity providing a variety of different activities both during the day and in the evenings. The building offers users a large hall with stage, kitchen facilities and two large meeting rooms. These can be hired as one unit or separately.

A variety of groups meet on a weekly basis such as Yoga, Karate and Tai-chi clubs and also Scouts and Guides. A daily Preschool is held in the hall as well as twice weekly Parent and Toddler groups and Over 55’s lunch clubs Others use the hall on occasions for special events such as fundraising events, training meetings and dog shows.

The Hall holds a current local authority licence for music and entertainment and also an alcohol licence Emergency lighting and fire alarm systems have been installed.

Kegworth Players and Kegworth Youth Arts stage several events a year in the hall and many village residents celebrate special occasions there.

The committee meet once a month to discuss the running of the hall and to plan future maintenance. All of the members have been involved for a number of years and new blood would be very welcome. Our main fund-raising event organised and run by the committee and other willing volunteers is a Craft and Table top sale during October.

Enquiries may be made via our website – or by email or by phone 01509 673626

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