Kegworth Village

Wednesday 8th of May 2024

Kegworth Baptist Church

High Street, Kegworth, Derby.
Contact: Paul Phillips (Lead Deacon)
Web Site: http://

Email: or write to the Church Secretary at: 50 Ashby Road, Kegworth, Leicestershire. DE74 2DH

Morning Worship and Sunday School each week at 10-30 am

Sunday Evening Worship 2nd. Sunday each month at 6-15 pm

Prayer Meetings, Bible Study, Taize' Praise, Ladies Meeting all held regularly as announced.

Our Services are open for anyone to join us - a warm welcome is always waiting. If you would like to know more about us, then please contact our Minister or one of the Deacons.


A History of Kegworth Baptist Church by Roy Chaplin

I always feel that the history of any church makes fascinating reading; the stories told are generally about men and women filled with vision and enthusiasm to do the will of God.

Whilst I have been researching the history of the Baptist movement in Kegworth, I have been very conscious that God's blessing did indeed rest upon the activities of those people of a bygone age and upon the faithful work of His servants over the years and to whom we are greatly indebted today.

But even for them, it wasn't always easy; there were many times when they found it difficult to survive and occasionally the Baptist cause in Kegworth foundered, mainly due to the involvement of men who were of a disreputable nature.

However due to the Grace of God, and the perseverance of that handful of men who were determined to see that God's work should not be hampered by a disreputable minority, the Baptist cause in Kegworth has come safely through to the present day and as I think of this and give thanks to Almighty God I am reminded of the words of E.H.Plumtree's great hymn:-

Thy hand O God has guided, Thy flock from age to age;
the wondrous tale is written, full clear on every page;
our fathers owned Thy goodness, and we their deeds record;
and both of this bear witness: One church, one Faith, one Lord.

I would hope and pray that future generations will be able to look back upon our labours, and give thanks to Almighty God for the things we have done to help establish His Kingdom in an ever-changing world.

Whilst the records of the labours, the joys and the tribulations of those early Baptists are very sketchy, we do know that life wasn't at all easy for them, and we hope that as this record of their work unfolds it will be sufficient to help you to understand just what great a debt we owe to our forefathers for their unswerving devotion to duty, and their burning desire to be used by God, often in the most difficult circumstances.

Baptist Church, Kegworth

The Church building which is still in use at the present time was erected in 1815 and has enlarged in 1865.Over the years, very little has been done to change the external appearance of the building as can be seen from old photographs which have survived


Anyone who has ever done any kind of historical research, will know the importance of going back as far as possible to see when and where it all started. As far as the Baptist Church in Kegworth is concerned it means going back to the middle of the 18th Century to the small Leicestershire village of Barton in the Beans.

It was in the year 1745 that a chapel was built in Barton; it is thought that it came as the result of the dynamic evangelistic preaching of George Whitfield. Although it began by calling itself an Independent Church. in 1752 the Barton Church relinquished infant sprinkling and began to baptize babies by total immersion. Later its members decided that babies were not baptised in New Testament times and around 1755 they adopted believers` baptism.

Its preachers worked tirelessly, planting new churches in various towns and villages in Leicestershire and the surrounding counties. In 1751 a Christian Witness was started at Diseworth and a meeting house was built a year later, Amongst those who attended the meetings at Diseworth was a Mr. J.Bradley of Long Whatton and Mr.A William Holmes of Kegworth.

Soon Mr Bradley decided to move house and live in Kegworth, which meant that there were now a small band of people traveling to Diseworth for the meetings. Because they enjoyed and valued the truths of the Gospel so much, they decided that it was time for the people of Kegworth to have the same opportunity to enjoy those same truths also. It was then that the idea of building a "House of God" in Kegworth was conceived. So a group of seven or eight of those zealous people met together to discuss what could be done. We are told that they were all poor men but they subscribed twenty guineas towards the building of a church. Mr. Bradley who had purchased some land in Kegworth decided to help his friends by offering them a plot of land. The exact locality of that first church building is uncertain, but one report says that it was somewhere in the region of where Whatton Road meets London Road although it could have been the one which was believed to have been in the "Meeting Yard". This was in the same vicinity, but nearer to where the Norman Court Flats now stand. So they were encouraged to build their church and in order not to incur unnecessary expense they offered not only money, but they gave of their own personal labour also. The building was soon completed and was opened for worship on June 15th 1755 by Mr. Donisthorpe of the Barton Church. We are told that the cause soon prospered and in a short time, the whole of the debt was discharged.


At this point we need to know that the Baptists of the district were united into what has been called 'Societies' and one such 'Society' was formed at Kegworth and Mr. Holmes was chosen as Steward and it is understood that he managed the affairs of that little band of people "with fidelity and honour" for a number of years. I would seem that for a short time their work prospered and the future prospects were highly encouraging. Quite often, we are told, 500 people attended Public Worship and to quote - " All opposition vanished before the preaching of the Cross."


So the sense of achievement and the feeling that nothing could now stop their work from going forward in leaps and bounds, was about to come to a sudden end. Unfortunately, not enough attention was being paid to the type of men who occupied the pulpit. For example, one man was encouraged to preach despite the fact that his abilities were not equal to the great task and in addition his conduct was most irregular. It is reported that many people were disgusted, added to which there arose some very heated arguments over certain points of doctrine. Disputes arose and were conducted with such "heat and animosity" that the Society at Kegworth was forced to dissolve.


We have now come to the year 1760 when a small remnant of faithful friends came together to re-start the work. By this time, many little "Societies" had sprung up in the villages around the district, which meant that this extensive circuit had become unmanageable. So in 1760 this large circuit was split up into five independent "Churches" with Kegworth being one of the principal places. The Kegworth group comprised Kegworth, Diseworth, Castle Donington and some adjoining villages; Mr. Nathaniel Pickering of Castle Donington and Mr. John Tarratt of Kegworth were appointed as joint Pastors over this little group. There are apparently no records.


In the year 1770 the Kegworth Church consisted of the two Pastors previously mentioned, three ruling Elders, six Deacons and 180 members. Once again it seemed that the Church was enjoying a period of prosperity, and 20 people were waiting to be baptised at that time. What a great sight that must have made down on the banks of the River Soar. However around this time. many strange doctrines were afflicting Baptist Churches throughout the country which resulted in the New Connexion of Baptist Churches being formed for the proclamation of the truth, and Kegworth along with many other Leicestershire Churches joined the New Connexion of General Baptists. We are told that the Church seemed to have flourished even more after this step and which meant that more ministers were needed and in 1771 Mr. John Wootten, a member of the Kegworth Church was called to the work of the Ministry, and the congregation became very attached to him. Another young member Mr. William Corah was also called to the work in 1775. It seems that Mr. Wootten was inclined to speculate a bit in his views which eventually resulted in him adopting' Socinian' doctrines and which were very apparent in the sermons he preached. As a result, a state of unhappiness followed and Mr. Wootten was eventually relieved of his duties, and his place was taken by a John Goddard of Little Hallam. When Mr. Wootten left, he did however take 17 members with him, including 3 Officers and Trustees of the Meeting House.

By 1785 the "Church" consisted of Kegworth, Belton, Diseworth, Long Whatton and Sutton Bonington. The Pastor at the time was Mr. John Tarratt with Mr. Corah as assistant Minister. Things continued to prosper but in 1797 Mr. Joseph Jarrom of Diseworth , and also a Mr. Smith of Sutton Bonington were caned to the Ministry, but certain differences of opinion arose concerning Mr. Smith which resulted in the friends from Sutton Bonington withdrawing from the group.


For several years following the withdrawal of the Sutton Bonington people there was serious trouble between two of the leading members of the Kegworth Church causing a state of animosity to exist resulting in gloom and despondency spreading quickly throughout the members and which continued for a number of years. In 1799, Mr. Tarratt resigned; he was now 62 years of age and had been in the Ministry for 40 years.

The troubles within the Church worried him very much and had seemed to make an old man of him. A certain body of opinion ganged up against him and he seems to have withdrawn under a cloud. But even after that, peace did not come to the Church, and about this time the friends from Belton and Long Whatton withdrew from the Kegworth Church. So of the once flourishing Church, there now remained the original main trunk -"Kegworth and Diseworth" At this time there were about 78 members between the two churches but we are told that "many were old and sinking into the grave"

In 1800. the Church invited Mr. Felkin of lkeston to be the Pastor and in June the following year he was ordained. There are reports that he did much good work in Kegworth.. Revival came. and a gallery was erected to accommodate the increased congregations. However just 10 years later disharmony amongst the members is evident and one source speaks of "disunion". According to a previous chronological survey of Church events, Mr Felkin resigned as Minister in 1810. It does however show that he takes up the post once again in 1813.


So in 1815 it was felt that the time was now right to move the place of worship to another part of the town. It seems that the Title Deeds of the old property had not been deposited in a secure place and during the troubles in Mr. Wootten's time as Minister they had got into the hands of the heir at Law and it was not possible to recover them.

So the Church moved to its present site in 1815. A 'commodious' building was erected at a cost of £450 and was opened on December 26th 1815 by Mr. Orton of Hugglescote and Mr. R. Smith. It should also be put on record that Mr. Holmes, one of the original founders of the Church at Kegworth foreseeing the time when the Church would have to move premises, left the sum of £200 towards the expenses and a further sum of £200 to be used by the Church in perplexity towards the maintenance of the Baptist cause in Kegworth. Four years later in 1819 Mr. Felkin resigned.

New Baptist Church, Kegworth

In 1824 Mr. Butler came to take up the Ministry and although he only stayed three years, during his time at Kegworth things flourished once again and in 1827 the Church reported having 128 members. Mr. Jones of March, Cambridgeshire came next, but his stay in Kegworth was even shorter than that of Mr. Butler. In 1830, a Mr William Wilders of Sutton Bonington became the Minister; he stayed for 15 years and had a very happy and successful period of Ministry. Mr Wilders left in 1845 and was succeeded by Mr. Taylor of Sutton St. James in Lincolnshire. Mr. Taylor also seemed to have a happy time during his stay. In 1848 sixteen members emigrated to America, eight of them from the Wilders family. It was during his ministry at Kegworth that a minute of 1851 reports that a request came from the ladies of the Church for a Baptistry to be built as they no longer wished to be exposed to the filth and indecency of the places used hitherto at the river: Mr. Taylor left Kegworth at Christmas 1858.

During the years from 1858 to 1863, the Church was without a Minister. At this time, the Church was served by students from the Chilwell Theological College, and also by Rev. Jarrom who was running a Boarding School in the High Street at Kegworth at the time. It is also interesting to note that another Baptist Minister -Rev. Taylor and his wife ran a ladies Boarding School around that time. I am wondering if he was the Minister that left as Minister of the Kegworth Church in 1858. In 1859 William, Henry, Israel and Samuel Wilders returned from America. So in 1863~ Mr. Thomas Yates came to take up the appointment of Minister at the Kegworth Church and during his stay those who knew him could only speak warmly about him; the chapel was enlarged renewed and adorned, an it is recorded that the Church was enjoying a measure of union and peace.

In 1866,the Chapel held its Jubilee Celebrations to mark its 50th birthday. There is another interesting but a rather strange custom of the Church at this particular time, and that is that the "Annual Church Meetings" were held on Christmas Day morning.

It was in the year of 1864 that the first Wedding was conducted in the Church. Rev. Thomas Yates officiated at the ceremony but sadly we have no record of the parties involved.

In 1867 a proposal to allow Kegworth Communion Services to be "open" were dismissed and in 1874 a letter was sent to the Wesleyan Church confirming the need for non- Baptists who wished to take Communion to be able to produce a letter outlining their Christian Character. In 1871 William and Israel Wilders returned to America, and at a Church Meeting, a "Band of Hope" was proposed.

On Wednesday 10th of June 1874, the Memorial Stones for the new Methodist Chapel on High St. were laid and for which a large crowd gathered. Rev. T. Yates (Baptist Minister) read one of the lessons. After the ceremony, the crowd went down to the Baptist Church; tea was provided in the Schoolrooms. and in the evening a Public Meeting was held; Rev. T. Yates was one of four people who addressed the meeting. In 1875 a harmonium was placed in the chapel. The minute says that the Church is to have a really "good one." It was also agreed at this time to demolish the Chapel cottages and erect a Manse. The building work on the new Manse began in 1877. In 1876 The practice of drinking in Public Houses after Services was condemned. In 1878 Rev Yates resigned from Office. He had been the Minister at Kegworth for 15 years and had completed nearly 46 years in the Christian Ministry. He was succeeded in 1879 by Rev. W.A. Davies who came to Kegworth from Belfast, although he was really a Welshman, born in Tredegar, Monmouthshire. records show that he was a good and gracious man and the Church was greatly saddened when he died suddenly at the age of 35 after a short illness. A wall plaque to his memory was erected in the chapel after his death and he is buried in the churchyard. Next to take up residence at Kegworth was the Rev David MacCanum, he came from Bumley and his Recognition Meetings were held in January 1887. However, Mr MacCallum's stay was not a long one for on Sunday, June 2nd. 1889, a letter was read out stating that he wanted to resign from the Pastorate of the Church. The Church was completely taken by surprise as there had been nothing to give any indication that this was about to happen.

In 1893 the Kegworth Church joined the East Midlands Baptist Association.In 1896 there is a note that the Temperance Hall was used for meetings while the Baptistry had running water installed.


In 1903 a controversial bill allowing finance from the rates to fund Church Schools, and placing all religious teaching solely in the hands of the Anglican Clergy, had been passed by Parliament. In the next year or two, many Nonconformists refused to pay the education rate in protest against the Act. Frequently goods were detrained and many people were imprisoned. At Kegworth, an organ belonging to Rev. G.C. Leader (the Baptist Minister} was sold for two guineas. It was bought by a sympathiser and the Shepshed Brass Band led a procession to the Market Place playing 'Rule Britannia' with the crowd singing lustily. The band then played the 'Dead March' while the auctioneer pale and nervous disappeared A Public Meeting attended by 1500 people was then held after which the organ was triumphantly taken back to Mr. Leader's house.


In the year of 1905 the Church adopted the Marriage Act which allowed its Ministers to be the "Authorised Person" at wedding ceremonies. A year later in 1906" plans were put before the Church meeting for a new schoolroom. It would seem that the Church at Kegworth was at last enjoying a period of Stability and Happiness. But this was put in jeopardy when in 1907 Rev Leader tendered his resignation. Then in 1907 Rev John Silby of Spratton took up office and it was round about that time that quite a lot of reconstruction of the church fittings and renewal of fabric took place. This included the laying of a new wood block floor in the aisles. Just a few years later in November 1913, the New Organ (which is still in use today) was constructed and to which the "Andrew Carnegie trust" gave a big subscription. In 1914, the Trust Deeds were deposited with the Baptist Union for safe keeping.

In September 1916, members are made aware that war is here, and the windows of the church have to be blacked out. In October 1917, Rev. Silby left to "Minister at the front" and was subsequently sent to France. He was followed in April 1 1918 by Rev. A. Dalton. Unfortunately the minutes concerning his appointment seem to be incomplete as there is no minute telling of his invitation, nor of his coming to Kegworth. It is only from reading later minutes that we are able to deduct that Mr. Dalton has taken up office at Kegworth.

It was in 1919 that the Church decided to adopt the use of individual cups at Communion Services.

Rev. Dalton stayed until 1923 and was succeeded by Rev. Scottorn who came in 1924 and was at Kegworth for only one year, due to a disagreement with the Church Officers. At a meeting held 12th August 1924 It is recorded that Rev. Scottorn stated his position "against any form of entertainment into which any Dialogue, Character Sketches or Singing at any Services, Bazaars, or any such meetings". The Church Officers plainly stated their own views but it seemed that the Pastor could not fall in with anything the Church proposed and it was felt that the Pastor and the people were 'out of touch'. He left Kegworth just one month later on 3Oth September.

In 1924, the question of allowing games at Sales of Work was discussed and objections were raised against 'Hoopla,' but it was eventually agreed that games should be allowed but definitely nothing in the form of raffling.In 1926 the Rev. A.N.Geary came, and during his stay an electric blower for the organ was installed. Mr. Geary moved on to Woodbridge in Suffolk in 1931. On Wednesday Nov. 3rd 1931, a special Service of Dedication was held, following the presentation of a Communion table to the church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. James Wardle. Also in 1931, the property called "The Chestnuts" was offered to the Baptist Church for the sum of £550, but no action was taken on this. Then in 1936, another offer was made to the Baptists -now at the much reduced price of £400. We are told that the Baptists respectfully declined the offer. Then came one of the best remembered of all the Ministers who came to Kegworth -Rev. J. H. Sheppard. He came in 1932 and was loved and respected by people of all denominations and by many who never went to church. It was his Pastoral Outreach for which he is best remembered; Mr. Sheppard made a point of visiting anybody who needed a visit and not all the people he visited were Baptists -he just saw them as people in need. It was a sad day for Kegworth when in 1943 he decided to leave. In 1941, people were being made aware that there was a war on. The schoolrooms were taken over by the military and for which they paid £50 per year. All windows had to be blacked out and certain items of fire fighting equipment needed to be bought stirrup pump, buckets for sand and water, etc., and a ladder needed to be left in the gallery giving access to the trap door in the roof. Next to come was Rev.T.L.Hooper; that was in 1944 and he stayed until 1948. A note in the minute book tells us that in 1946 his stipend was increased to £277. He was followed by Rev. T. W. Coffin who came as a student from Manchester Theological College and was ordained in 1948. He stayed until 1950 when he moved on to "Hill Street" Poole, Dorset. The move came about as a result of illness in his family and for which his doctor advised a change of air. During his stay, the 1st. Kegworth Boys Brigade Co., was formed; Arthur Husbands was appointed as Captain, and W. Oliver and W. Saddler as Lieutenants. Invitations were sent out to a number of Ministers and eventually it was Rev. C.W.B. Baldwin who came in 1951 and stayed until 1956 when illness in his home put a cloud over his ministry. He eventually resigned and moved to Melbourne, Derbyshire. It was 1958 before another Minister came. It was Rev. V.F. Sutton of Whitchurch Hants. who decided to take up the Pastorate of Kegworth and Diseworth. Also in 1958 the Boys Brigade colours were dedicated at a special service marking the 75th. Anniversary of the organization. In 1960 prior to the Centenary Celebrations the church and schoolrooms were renovated and re-decorated.

In 1960, a Souvenir Brochure was produced covering much of the early history of the Baptist movement in Kegworth, and which has helped considerably in the production of this later and more comprehensive brochure which gives details of much of what took place from 1751 up to the present day.

Below are two pages, which we have reproduced from that earlier brochure.

Souvenir Brochure


In 1962, the minutes record with great sadness the sudden death of Mr. J. Arthur Husbands at the early age of 53. Arthur came to Kegworth in 1931; he was Baptised and made a member of the Church in 1932 and was made a Deacon in 1935. Since arriving in Kegworth, Arthur quickly began to I take a keen interest in all aspects of Church life. He was involved in the Sunday School, Christian Endeavour, Prayer Meeting, and was Captain of the Boys Brigade. One of his greatest assets was his singing voice, which gave much pleasure to many people over the years. Arthur was a faithful Servant right up to the last. The Funeral Service was held on February 28th. 1962, and was conducted by his friend and Pastor the Rev. V. F. Sutton who paid a great tribute to his sterling qualities; the church was crowded with mourners and people wishing to pay tribute to a fine man who would be greatly missed.


In 1966, Rev. Vivian Sutton retired from active ministry, but almost at once he was taken ill and was in Loughborough Hospital for several weeks for a serious operation. Although he recovered from the operation, further treatment was needed which left him feeling very weak. He came home for a few weeks in September but his strength had gone. On the last Sunday of September he was able to conduct a Communion Service at which he received a gift from the Church. He spoke with great feeling of the affection he had for his Church and his sentiments were echoed by Mrs. Sutton. It wasn't long after moving from Kegworth that he was taken ill again and passed away in December 1966.

The Induction Service for the new minister Rev. Marcus Taylor was held on Wednesday 6th April 1966. He stayed until 1970; he was followed by Rev. John Holden. Unfortunately there are no details recorded either of Mr Taylor's leaving or Mr. Holden's appointment as Minister of Kegworth. All we can deduct from the minute book is that John Holden stayed at Kegworth until 1970.


During the years 1978 until 1985 when Colin White came to Kegworth as a Student Minister from the Northern Baptist College, there was once again no full time Minister at Kegworth, although it must be placed on record, the tremendous help given to the Church by Rev. Michael Limb who presided over Church affairs during that period.

In 1986 it was agreed that Colin White be invited to stay on at Kegworth as full time Minister; his Ordination Service was held at West Bridgford on Saturday September 27th, and the Induction Service at Kegworth was held on Saturday 4th. October.

You may be interested to know that a preliminary meeting was held to discuss the possibility of a magazine for the Churches of Kegworth. The idea was originally conceived by the Anglican and Methodist Churches, who invited the Baptist and Roman Catholic Churches to join in. It was hoped that the first issue would be in January 1981

In 1982, because of continuing damp problems it was decided to remove the wooden dado and also the pews on the Eastern side of the church. This revealed an area of dry rot which needed to be attended to before the matter could be resolved.The year 1984 saw the departure of Mrs. Molly Webster who first came to Kegworth in 1925 as a young woman. During her working life she was employed at Knowle's Drapery Shop on the Market Place, and for more than 50 years, she served the Church faithfully in many ways. At one time she had been the Church Secretary, a teacher in the Sunday School, Vice-President of the Women's Meeting, and a member of the Church Choir. Mrs. Webster was also involved with the Girls Auxiliary linked with the B.M.S. She also spent much time cleaning and carrying out maintenance tasks to the church premises. A 'Good News' Bible was presented to her in appreciation of her loyal and devoted service, before she , left Kegworth to return to her native Wales. In 1991, news of her death at the age of 86 was received with much sadness. In addition to the many ways in which she served the Church, Molly is remembered by many for her quiet but caring personality. She loved her Lord, and found great comfort and inspiration from reading the Bible. In order to give more privacy to the offerings given by people during services, a 'Collection Bag' was purchased and used for the first time in 1988. In 1989, a carpet was laid in the area where there had once been pews, and chairs which had been donated to the church were put in place. A new audio system with amplifier was also installed. In 1991, it was decided to purchase some new combined "Mission Praise" hymn books for use at services.

Another one of our Church Members -Mrs. Kathleen Wright died suddenly on Thursday, 11th July 1991, at the age of 91 following a heart attack. Mrs. Wright was well known throughout the village for her 'Fish and Chips' which she sold for many years with her husband Arthur from their shop in Borough Street. She was a Deacon of the Baptist Church and a wonderful Christian lady who was an example to all who knew her. A tribute in the 'Dove' magazine of August 1991 says: -" Anything we try to say about her Is both superfluous and Inadequate. Superfluous because her life speaks for her and needs no addition,. and inadequate because we can never put into words all that she meant to us, the joy, humour, peace and wisdom that she shared with all who knew her. "

Very little else of any significant value has been recorded in the minute books but we cannot close without first remembering all of those people who during their lifetime were devoted and loyal servants of God and the Church both of which they loved so much. People who used the gifts and the talents which God had given to them and offered them back to Him by living lives which were committed to duty and thus helping to continue the Baptist Witness in Kegworth which had been started all those many years earlier.


Jean White was the wife of our Minister; they came to Kegworth in 1986 when Colin was made full time Minister of the Baptist Church at Kegworth. It was quite evident to all who knew Jean, that right from the outset, she had no intentions of being a Minister's wife in name only, and it wasn't long before she became involved in all of the Church activities, particularly those involving the ladies and young people. During her time at Kegworth, Jean became Leader of the Women's, Meeting, and twice held the office of President of the Loughborough Federation of Baptist Women

It is not possible to find words to describe the depth of Jean's faith, which never wavered in spite of her illness, and was evident to all, right up to the very end. In 1997, during a period of remission, she was given the go ahead by doctors to undertake a strenuous 250 mile cycle ride in Israel to raise funds for the Nazareth Hospital. Before she could compete, Jean was involved in much training and many fund raising activities. Her death on 28th. October 1998 left a gap which has been difficult to fill. At the funeral service on Tuesday 3rd. November, the church was filled with people wanting to give thanks to God for Jean's life and witness. Jean had helped to organize the service before she died, such was her faith. The service was conducted by a long standing family friend Chris Rankin (Minister at the Q.M.C Nottingham.)

A tribute in the 'DOVE' magazine of November 1998 said:- " We thank our God that we have known Jean's love, caring, encouragement, support, enthusiasm, perseverance and her FAITH- on so many occasions -and/or so many people". What more can we say about this truly remarkable lady!

Here in the space of just a few pages I have tried to cover some of the things that have taken place over the past 248 years. I know that there must be many events that still remain unrecorded, and if there is anyone reading this who has any information that will add to this somewhat brief history of the Baptist cause in Kegworth, then please let us know.


Our story began with just a handful of men who were determined that the people of Kegworth should have the opportunity to enjoy and share in the Good News of the Gospel which they enjoyed so much. Over the years, many others have laboured to maintain a Christian Witness so that future generations might be brought into a real and personal relationship with that same Lord for whom they worked and witnessed. The future now belongs to us! May the richness of our Worship, the Sincerity of our Consecration and the Warmth of our Fellowship be such that one day, we too will be remembered with fondest gratitude as those who have gone before.

Roy Chaplin - June 2000

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